Sally Ride's Alternate Biography

A fan of mine emailed me to ask if his/her story could be shown on here. If it offends you in someway, I apologize. Enjoy!

Sally Kristen Ride was born in Los Angeles, California in May 25, 1955. Her sisters, Carol, Rachel, and Roselyn would be born in 1956-1958. As a toodler, Sally grew an interest in tennis after seeing her mom play. It was obvious to her mom that she was interested in tennis. At 1 years old, Sally's first complete sentence was "Mama, can I play?" Sally was referring to tennis. All throughout school years and high school years, Sally was ranked the #1 Player on the team. Although she liked tennis, her grandmother introduced her to music. She often enjoyed the piano. One day, during a competition in class, her teacher introduced a new girl in class. Her name was Judy Arlene Resnik. She was assigned to sit next to Sally. What Sally didn't realize at that time that Judy would become her life best friend. Sally also noticed that Judy hated when the boys at school judged her due to her having good grades. Sally then took her to a drive in. That day, Judy met her boyfriend. Although, having a boyfriend, Sally made sure that Judy was focused on her work. When Sally got her first boyfriend, she made a mistake and focused on him than her education. Her grades slipped so bad that she had to break up with him. Then Senior year...... Sally was very upset about Senior year. She had her life changing everyday and she was leaving her family. Sally also found an ability in Astronomy. So did Judy. When Sally got the letter said that she got accepted to Stanford, she immediately called Judy. Judy said that she got accepted to Yale. Sally was disappointed for a sec, but Judy was joking! She got accepted to Stanford too! At graduation, Judy and Sally were valedictorians of their class. At college, Sally had several of boys trying to bully her. One apparently pushed her so far that she threw a tennis ball at him with a perfect aim and broke his nose. Did she regret it, no she didn't! Sally and Judy read through the Stanford paper and happened to see that NASA was accepting astronauts including for the first time, women. They both applied and got accepted! It was also at that time that Judy's boyfriend broke up with her, but she was too happy to know that it happened. The training was difficult for Judy, but easy for Sally. Judy eventually got frustrated, but never showed it on her face.
Then there was the day. NASA assigned Judy and Sally on the Challenger's first mission, which made the very first shuttle mission. Judy and Sally knew that they were going to receive a lot of paparazzi when they came back. They both handled it well. 4 shuttle missions later, (1986), the two got engaged at the same time. Months later, they both were pregnant! Eventually, after having their daughters, they both went their separate paths. Sally eventually divorced and continued to do space missions when she felt her daughter was old enough to take care of herself. Then in 1998, Sally had a friend who was falsely accused for doing something. The case lasted a year, but Sally managed to win the case. Later, around December 1999, Sally would disappear with her daughter, Dinah-Lee. Reason being, (she told me) was: Sally: Sally:- "One day, around December 1999, a bunch of NASA adminstrators were wanting Judy to tell her personal business, participate more in events, and go on events just about each and every day. Judy didn't like that idea one bit. She hated expressing her personal business and she had a daughter to take care of. Once women astronauts heard of Judy's situation, Christa McAuliffe,Barbara Morgan, Eileen Collins, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark, Bonnie Dunbar, Anna Fisher, Kathryn Sullivan, Rhea Seddon, Shannon Lucid, Mae Jemison, Sunita Williams, Ellen Ochoa, and even more astronauts and I defended Judy. Mike Mullane also gave his support as much as Anna, Christa, Barbara and I did. It went so far, that the astronauts and I refused to go on any missions until Judy's issue was solved. By 2001, NASA decided to respect Judy's decision. That's when Judy and I went AWOL. We decided to get away from the drama and relax. That's when we both decided that it was time to move on from NASA and do our own thing. We stayed with NASA, but we started a company we named Judy Kristen Science. Judy and I decided to use her first name and my middle name for the company. I got to admit, I had a crush on her, but I decided to keep it a business relationship. Everything was going great, until March 2003, Judy's Secret got out. We don't know who sent it out, but it was pretty bad. Judy had a daughter at the age of 17. Think that's why she and her ex-boyfriend broke up. It didn't go down, until let's just say a decade. Our company was a huge success that several papers, like TIME Magazine interviewed Judy and I. Eventually, Judy's daughter, Lauren and my daughter, Dinah took over the company when we retired. Man I hate we did that!" Sally later told me that in 2001, she had her son, Daniel, whom she named after her late father. She shocked me with that one. Till this day, for some whatever reason, Sally and Judy live in La Jolla, California with Sally's 16 year old son.


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